Would you like to get the most out of your camera? Then read on..

So many people have got cameras that are fully capable of taking great photos, but they just lack knowledge of how to use them.

Walk with me around London and I’ll show you how to master your camera. The best way to learn photography is by doing, so we’ll shoot non-stop, embedding what you learn into your head for the future.

Walking and shooting around central London I can cover everything from the basics through to more advanced techniques:

  • Aperture / Shutter Speed / ISO settings

  • The Key Composition techniques

  • The mode dial - and shooting in Manual Mode

  • Slow Shutter Photography (light trails & long daytime exposures)

  • Low Light Photography

  • Using a Tripod

  • Choosing and using Lenses

  • The best way to Focus a shot

  • Looking after your Camera Gear

  • Shooting for Cinemagraphs / Timelapses

  • Social Media marketing and ‘Instagram Photography’

Learn to create a Panoramic Lookup!

Learn to create a Panoramic Lookup

Always wanted to shoot Night Trails?

Always wanted to shoot Night Trails?

Experiment with Depth of Field and Unique Perspectives

Experiment with Depth of Field and Unique Perspectives

Try Super-Long Exposures that soften skies and water

Try Super-Long Exposures that soften skies and water


Here’s a breakdown of the standard packages I offer. Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss other options as I can be very flexible and tailor a price to suit your need and availability! If you’d like to book feel free to message me on the below form or directly on Instagram.

Half Day (3 Hour) 1 to 1 Workshop - £200

  • Depending on your current knowledge level, we’ll start by running over the basic settings and various ways to manipulate light into your camera

  • We’ll move around different locations in London, putting into practice the above basic and advanced techniques

  • Composition is a key element to the sessions, looking at how to frame your shots to make each subject stand out

  • During the session we’ll cover slow shutter techniques that can bring a defined sense of action or tranquility to your photos

  • Further information below

Full Day (6 Hour) 1 to 1 Workshop - £390

  • We’ll cover the above and more, with the extended hours allowing for a lot more time to embedd the techniques. Three hours may seem rather rushed with lots of information to take in, so this can give you a solid amount of time to engrain the techniques and settings into your mind.

  • Further information below

Editing (2 Hour) 1 to 1 Workshop - £150 (£130 online session)

  • Computer Editing can play a large part in photography, and I’ve got a very experienced background in using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop in a professional setting (10+ years)

  • Utilising this knowledge we’ll sit down and cover the many ways you can edit your photos using the above programmes - Do bring your own laptop to make the most of this process.

  • Editing techniques can include:

  • Shooting in RAW/JPEG

  • Exposure setting changes and light alterations

  • Temperature and Colour Manipulation

  • Mastering Tone Curves and bringing in contrast

  • Split Toning

  • Adding Detail / Removing Noise

  • Perspective Transformations

  • Cropping to get the best compositions

  • Applying Filters and atmosphere to photos

  • Spot Removal and cloning

  • Advanced Photoshop work, from masking to removing people/distractions in photos

  • Anything! I’ll show you in detail how I’ve edited any photo/video on my Instagram feed or general portfolio

  • Further information below

A massive thank you @chrisjdalton for a great shooting session. Inspiring, informative & hands on learning was spot on! You were definitely patient with me 😁 Lots of respect to an amazing photographer
— @natmarie_1080
I decided to reach out to him because I wanted to learn how to use a camera in manual mode and familiarise with the various settings. He replied to me very quickly and we started to discuss the best itinerary for the things that I wanted to do with my camera. It was my first workshop and I truly enjoyed it. He gave me some useful tips to shoot nice pics at night, portrait and landscape mode pics as well as the opportunity to practice with him and it was super helpful. I totally recommend it
— @natashachaviv
4 months after taking up photography I decided I needed some help to get to the next level and luckily I found Chris offered a workshop...
He was quickly able to identify my needs and we started grabbing shots around London. I couldn’t recommend the workshop enough, far too often we use means such as YouTube to learn our craft but you can’t beat some on field experience...
I still use the techniques learned to this day and I know my eye is able to find pictures I wouldn’t previously of thought of.
— @paulyard
Great day shooting with @chrisjdalton around London yesterday. Thank you for your time - I learnt a lot of really useful photography skills that I can’t wait to practice with!
— @edwardp10


Further Information

  • We’ll take a variety of photos over the course of the workshop - feel free to suggest techniques you’d like to learn, or shots of mine you’d like to mirror. I’m happy to discuss anything that you’re keen to learn!

  • All travelling around locations count as part of the allocated time-frame. We’d be walking around with the odd break to sit and discuss techniques. If further travel is requested, public transport for myself will be included in the above price.

  • I’m happy to agree particular locations that you’ll like to shoot in. Usually I run workshops around Southbank, St Pauls, London Bridge, Bank, but I’m open to anywhere if there’s places you have in mind.

  • The Editing workshop can be based centrally in a location that suits you well, e.g. cafe, workplace, public space

  • If you’d like a different length of time, or to bring along a friend/arrange a group session then please do get in touch. I’d be happy to run anything that suits you best!

Fees and Cancellation Policy

  • A £50 non-refundable deposit is to be paid in advance to secure the agreed workshop date. The deposit counts towards the overall shoot price and can be paid via Bank Transfer or Paypal.

  • Full payment is to be made in advance of, or on the day of, the workshop.

  • 48 hours notice is to be given if you wish to cancel or postone the agreed workshop date. If full payment has already been made then it will be returned minus the non-refundable deposit amount.


Let’s Shoot!